TensorFlow em Microcontroladores, Google Coral, Ethereum e Hamsters saudáveis - Novidades IoT #2

Novidades sobre o mundo de IoT toda semana. Links dessa semana: ⭐️ Google Coral Artigo sobre o lançamento: https://blog.hackster.io/say-hello-to-google-coral-cdbb49183864 Pagina oficial : https://aiyprojects.withgoogle.com/edge-tpu 🛠 Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers - Tensorflow Micro Sparkfun Edge: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15170 Projeto no Github: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro 🛠ESP8266, MicroPython e Ethereum https://hackaday.com/2019/03/01/yes-you-can-put-iot-on-the-blockchain-using-python-and-the-esp8266/ 🛠 Monitor de atividades para Hamsters https://www.hackster.io/hackminster/gerbil-fitbit-dfcfb6

March 12, 2019 · 🎥

Google Cloud IoT Device SDK, NFC, Blockchain + IoT e Campus Party - Novidades IoT #1

Novidades sobre o mundo de IoT toda semana. Links dessa semana: ⭐️ Google Cloud IoT Core Device SDK Artigo de lançamento: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/iot-devices/introducing-cloud-iot-device-sdk-a-new-way-for-embedded-iot-devices-to-connect-to-google-cloud-iot-core Exemplo com ESP32 e Cloud IoT Core: http://github.com/espressif/esp-google-iot 📝 Artigos sobre Blockchain https://www.embarcados.com.br/criptomoedas-de-iot-bottos/ 📹 Videos sobre IoT na Campus Party BR 2019 - QUAL É O FUTURO DA IoT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxXd2aHgbsU - Micropython - Python para microcontroladores - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UONazLacMBo - Drones para delivery no Brasil e no mundo - Já é realidade! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK16rIX4S6M - AgriChain: Blockchain e IoT uma nova abordagem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYuRyj_n1YE 🛠 Gerenciados de ativos usando NFC https://www.hackster.io/gatoninja236/makerspace-nfc-part-management-system-e4f5f3

March 11, 2019 · 🎥

Tour na Minha Casa Inteligente 2019

Um pequeno tour de como está o funcionamento da minha casa, utilizando como central de automação o poderoso Home Assistant. Centrais de automação ⭐️ Home Assistant - https://www.home-assistant.io/ ⭐️ Samsung SmartThings Hub - https://www.smartthings.com/products/smartthings-hub Modulo USB para usar dispositivos Zigbee e Z-Wave ⭐️ Nortek GoControl - https://www.amazon.com/GoControl-CECOMINOD016164-HUSBZB-1-USB-Hub/dp/B01GJ826F8 Iluminação ⭐️ Sengled Smart LED Branca - https://www.amazon.com/Sengled-Required-Equivalent-Assistant-SmartThings/dp/B072M5RT6L ⭐️ Sengled Smart LED Colorida - https://www.amazon.com/Sengled-Multicolor-2000-6500K-Equivalent-SmartThings/dp/B073ZBYXKQ ⭐️ Neo Coolcam Z-Wave Light Switch - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEO-COOLCAM-NAS-SC01Z-Z-wave-Wall-Light-Switch-2-Gang-US-Type-US-Version-908/32849676762.html ⭐️ Hyperion - https://hyperion-project.org Sensores ⭐️ Sensor de Presença SmartThings - https://www.smartthings.com/products/smartthings-motion-sensor ⭐️ Sensor de Contato (Porta/Janela) SmartThings - https://www.smartthings.com/products/smartthings-multipurpose-sensor ⭐️ Sensor de Vazamento de Água SmartThings - https://www.smartthings.com/products/smartthings-water-leak-sensor Modulos DIY ⭐️ ESPHome - https://esphome.io/index.html ⭐️ ESP8266 - https://www.filipeflop.com/produto/placa-wemos-d1-mini-pro-wifi-esp8266/ ⭐️ ESP32 - https://www.filipeflop.com/produto/modulo-wifi-esp32-bluetooth/ Tomadas ⭐️ Sonoff Basic - https://www.filipeflop.com/produto/rele-wifi-interruptor-inteligente-sonoff/ ⭐️Modulos RF - https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1094908846-kit-2-tomadas-interruptor-c-controle-remoto-iluminaco-220v-_JM ⭐️Video mostrando como usar modulos RF -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdXREfX6yBc Créditos 📷 Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash

February 28, 2019 · 🎥

Demo - How to talk with plants using IoT and Actions on Google.

This project will teach you how to talk with plants using IoT and Actions on Google. On the hardware part this project will have two version: One using a Particle Photon board and Cloud PubSub integration with Particle Cloud. * Another one build using an ESP8266 running MongooseOS and Google Cloud IoT Core More details on Github: https://github.com/alvarowolfx/talking-plant-aog

October 29, 2018 · 🎥

Google Assistant + Cloud IoT Core + Golang running on Orange Pi Zero [EN-US]

Demo made for Gophercon Brazil, where I talked about embedded development using Golang. Source code https://github.com/alvarowolfx/golang-voice-iot

October 28, 2018 · 🎥

Google Assistant + Cloud IoT Core + Golang rodando na Orange Pi Zero [PT-BR]

Demo feita para a Gophercon BR, palestra sobre golang para embarcado. Codigo https://github.com/alvarowolfx/golang-voice-iot

October 28, 2018 · 🎥

Demo - How to talk with plants using IoT and Actions on Google.

This project will teach you how to talk with plants using IoT and Actions on Google. On the hardware part this project will have two version: One using a Particle Photon board and Cloud PubSub integration with Particle Cloud. * Another one build using an ESP8266 running MongooseOS and Google Cloud IoT Core More details on Github: https://github.com/alvarowolfx/talking-plant-aog

September 16, 2018 · 🎥

Demo of Android Things UserDriver for BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor

More project details; https://github.com/alvarowolfx/bh1750-androidthings

September 2, 2018 · 🎥

Android Things, Machine Learning e Máquinas de Doces

Uma introdução a nova plataforma de internet das coisas do Google, o Android Things, e como fazer dispositivos mais inteligentes e poderosos com ela, aliado de ferramentas de Machine Learning. O objetivo é cobrir o básico de como começar com a plataforma, passar alguns conceitos de Machine Learning e apresentar alguns projetos que podem ser feito com isso. Em especial será mostrado um projeto de máquina de doces inteligente, que utiliza o poder do Android Things, aliado com APIs de Machine Learning do Google, como a Cloud Vision API e o Tensorflow, para reconhecer imagens e que dar aos usuários doces se eles mostrarem os objetos corretos para a máquina. Palestra na Android Dev Conference 2017.

December 14, 2017 · 🎥

Android Things A.I. Candy Dispenser

A Candy Dispenser running Android Things, that exchange photos for candies. It uses computer vision to classify the image. https://github.com/alvarowolfx/ai-candy-dispenser https://www.hackster.io/alvarowolfx/android-things-a-i-candy-dispenser-a47e74

May 23, 2017 · 🎥