Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Desenhando gráficos em Go

Recriando o Spotify Wrapped usando primitivas de desenho em Go

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Ponte do Airtable para MySQL

Criando um servidor compativel com MySQL para consultar dados do Airtable

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Introdução e resultados

Usando Airtable e Go para criar meu próprio recap/wrapped de jogos

December 29, 2023 · 8 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Drawing charts with Go

Recreating Spotify wrapped using drawing primitives in Go

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Airtable to MySQL bridge

Creating an MySQL compatible server to query Airtable data

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Introduction and results

Using Airtable and Go to create my own gaming recap/wrapped

December 29, 2023 · 8 min · ✍️

Building REST APIs using gRPC and Go

Developing APIs over a RESTful interface with JSON payloads is kind of the de-facto standard nowadays, but it still lacks an easy way to build it with a well-defined interface and document it to be used by others. What if we can leverage gRPC’s fast, type-safe, and modern way of building APIs and still be able to provide an interface over REST/JSON ? Check this talk to find out how.

March 25, 2022 · Turing Upskilling #29 - REST APIs com gRPC e Go · Online · 🗣· 🎙

Construindo aplicações Cloud Native em Go

Muitas vezes quando desenvolvemos aplicações de escaláveis hoje em dia, acabamos atrelando parte deles a uma nuvem especifica. Porém isso traz problemas para como vendor lock-in, dificuldade de rodar em ambiente local, falta de portabilidade e entre outros problemas. E existem serviços em comum que são acessados em nuvem como Banco de Dados, Filas de Mensageria, Armazenamento de arquivo, logs, tracing e que poderiam ser abstraídos e preferencialmente intercambiáveis entre nuvens. Nessa palestra quero mostrar como desenvolver apps mais portáveis e ainda assim mantendo as vantagem de se rodar em nuvem.

November 7, 2021 · Devfest Brasil 2021 · Online · 🗣· 🎙· 🎥

How I merged/migrated my personal website and content using Hugo

I noticed that has been a while since I wrote an actual article and I was kind of not satisfied with my current state of some of my content being spread between my Github, Medium and Youtube. I was always trying to get my website to be up to date, but was the process was too manual. So, as I good engineer, I decided to over-engineer my own personal website and try to put everything into a central place.

March 9, 2021 · 12 min · ✍️

Building REST APIs using gRPC and Go

Developing APIs over a RESTful interface with JSON payloads is kind of the de-facto standard nowadays, but it still lacks an easy way to build it with a well-defined interface and document it to be used by others. What if we can leverage gRPC’s fast, type-safe, and modern way of building APIs and still be able to provide an interface over REST/JSON ? Check this talk to find out how.

February 11, 2021 · Meetup GDG Cloud London · Online · 🗣· 🎙· 🎥