2023 6

December 6

Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Desenhando gráficos em Go

Recriando o Spotify Wrapped usando primitivas de desenho em Go...

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Ponte do Airtable para MySQL

Criando um servidor compativel com MySQL para consultar dados do Airtable...

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Meu recap de jogos desnecessariamente complexo: Introdução e resultados

Usando Airtable e Go para criar meu próprio recap/wrapped de jogos...

December 29, 2023 · 8 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Drawing charts with Go

Recreating Spotify wrapped using drawing primitives in Go...

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Airtable to MySQL bridge

Creating an MySQL compatible server to query Airtable data...

December 29, 2023 · 1 min · ✍️

Overengineering my gaming journey: Introduction and results

Using Airtable and Go to create my own gaming recap/wrapped...

December 29, 2023 · 8 min · ✍️

2021 2

October 1

Provisioning IoT Devices with Zephyr, MCUmgr, and Golioth

Every IoT project needs to provision devices that are going to be available in the field. Leveraging open standards, Golioth cuts down on the required time and hassle for IoT development teams....

October 28, 2021 · 1 min · ✍️

March 1

How I merged/migrated my personal website and content using Hugo

I noticed that has been a while since I wrote an actual article and I was kind of not satisfied with my current state of some of my content being spread between my Github, Medium and Youtube. I was always trying to get my website to be up to date, but was the process was too manual. So, as I good engineer, I decided to over-engineer my own personal website and try to put everything into a central place....

March 9, 2021 · 12 min · ✍️

2020 3

January 3

IoT Tank Monitoring Solution Part 1 — Build a Rest API using Cloud Run and Django Rest Framework

End to end solution to track tank level using cloud computing without having to worry too much with managing infrastructure. This is a 3 part tutorial on how to create a farm tank monitoring solution on Google Cloud. Part 1 — Build a Rest API using Cloud Run and Django Rest Framework Part 2 — MicroPython device to collect tanks data Part 3 — Visualizing data using BigQuery Federated Queries and Data Studio For this tutorial we’re going to be using Django Rest Framework as our base for the project....

January 6, 2020 · 8 min · ✍️

IoT Tank Monitoring Solution Part 2 — MicroPython device with ESP8266 to collect tank level data

End to end solution to track tank level using cloud computing without having to worry too much with managing infrastructure. This is a 3 part tutorial on how to create a farm tank monitoring solution on Google Cloud. Part 1 — Build a Rest API using Cloud Run and Django Rest Framework Part 2 — MicroPython device to collect tanks data Part 3 — Visualizing data using BigQuery Federated Queries and Data Studio In this part of this series of tutorials, I’ll go through the steps to build an IoT device to collect level data using fairly cheap WiFi devices and a ultrasonic sensor using MicroPython....

January 6, 2020 · 3 min · ✍️

IoT Tank Monitoring Solution Part 3 — Visualizing data using CloudSQL Federated Queries, BigQuery…

End to end solution to track tank level using cloud computing without having to worry too much with managing infrastructure. This is a 3 part tutorial on how to create a farm tank monitoring solution on Google Cloud. Part 1 — Build a Rest API using Cloud Run and Django Rest Framework Part 2 — MicroPython device to collect tanks data Part 3 — Visualizing data using BigQuery Federated Queries and Data Studio In this latest part we are going to visualize our models data together with the telemetry data sent by the device....

January 6, 2020 · 4 min · ✍️

2019 1

February 1

Asset Tracking using Cameras, IoT, Machine Learning and Edge Computing.

An experiment involving ESP32 with cameras, a Raspberry Pi running Tensorflow inferences on the edge, acting as a Cloud IoT Core Gateway and a serverless layer on the cloud to store all the data. Check out how our finished application will look like at the end of this tutorial: Local web interface Online Web Interface What is Edge Computing? We moved from using local servers running on centralized data centers to remote servers that process and store all of our data, that we call Cloud Computing....

February 19, 2019 · 14 min · ✍️

2018 2

December 1

Serverless Continuous Integration and OTA update flow using Google Cloud Build and Arduino

How to build your firmware continuously in the cloud and sent to your devices automatically. Project Architecture Adding Over The Air (OTA) updates is an important factor for IoT applications to succeed. It’s a mechanism to ensure that devices are always up to date with new settings, security fixes and also adding new features to the hardware, making the customer who brought the device happy with the hardware improvements and at the same time feeling safer....

December 14, 2018 · 7 min · ✍️

January 1

GPS/Cellular Asset Tracking using Google Cloud IoT Core, Firestore and MongooseOS

Track your goods anywhere and anytime with a GPS tracker sending location data over mobile network to an awesome cloud and serverless architecture. One of the biggest problems logistics industry faces today is the tracking of assets and vehicles. We have a bunch of ways to resolve this problem, GPS and Cellular technologies have been around for a long time and in the most cases are enough to track a vehicle in almost real-time....

January 19, 2018 · 14 min · ✍️

2017 9

October 1

Build a Weather Station using Google Cloud IoT Core and MongooseOS

Collecting massive amount of data, with a managed and serverless architecture so you don’t get yourself burned in the process. Ok, there is a lot of tutorials teaching how to build a Weather Station because there many ways of doing it. It’s a simple project so I will try to focus on building an end to end solution, from collecting data to doing analytics on your data. All of it will use managed Google Cloud services, giving an overview on how to build a complete IoT solution....

October 16, 2017 · 12 min · ✍️

September 1

Getting started with Onion Omega2 and Golang

Exploring Go cross compiling capabilities on a small but powerful device like the Onion Omega2. Onion + Golang = ❤️ The Omega2 is a powerful device made by the people of Onion.io. It’s basically a computer that comes packed with built-in Wi-Fi, running a Linux Operating System based on OpenWRT, has many general purpose inputs and outputs, and comes with a powerful processor, all of this in a really small package, hoping that you build awesome IoT projects with it....

September 11, 2017 · 6 min · ✍️

June 1

Android Things A.I. Candy Dispenser

A candy dispenser running Android Things that exchanges photos for candies. It uses computer vision to classify the image. The Android Things A.I. Candy Dispenser is a game that asks the user for a specific thing like a bird, dog or cat, and the user should show a photo of that thing in the predefined time to win candies. The device (Raspberry Pi 3B) is running Android Things dev preview. It has a camera connected to take pictures, a 20x4 Serial i2c Display to show the “little” game state, a arcade button to interact with the game and a simple NPN transistor to activate the candy machine DC motor....

June 13, 2017 · 2 min · ✍️

April 1

Contador de Likes no Facebook com ESP8266

Projeto bem interessante para iniciantes e que pode ser alterado para sua página. Eu me inspirei em um projeto que vi no Instructables que replicava o troféu que o Youtube dá ao se atingir um determinado número de seguidores no site deles. O projeto consulta a API do Youtube diretamente e mostra atualiza um display de 7 segmentos com o número atualizado de seguidores. O projeto pode ser visto a seguir....

April 15, 2017 · 7 min · ✍️

February 3

Integrando Arduino/ESP8266 com Bots do Telegram

Agora é a vez dos chatbots e nada mais simples do que comandar seus eletrônicos, de qualquer lugar do mundo, via chat no Telegram. De forma bem sucinta vou mostrar pra vocês como integrar o ESP8266 (programando com o core do Arduino) com o serviço de chatbot do Telegram. Um chatbot é um software que tenta simular uma conversa entre duas pessoas, interagindo com perguntas e respostas e com isso será possível no neste caso controlar LEDs, Relês e fazer a leitura de sensores....

February 22, 2017 · 6 min · ✍️

Sensoriamento e Controle Realtime com Firebase e ESP8266

Uma forma fácil e rápida de jogar seus dados para a nuvem, sem se queimar configurando servidores. Quando desenvolvemos dispositivos conectados, um dos pilares que devemos considerar é que normalmente eles devem poder receber comandos e consultar seu estado atual em tempo real. O dispositivo consegue manter seu estado atual localmente, por meio de variáveis ou alguma forma de armazenamento interno, mas como fazer isso para consulta por dispositivos externos ?...

February 18, 2017 · 10 min · ✍️

Controlando sua casa com a Siri (usando o Homebridge)

Controlando sua casa usando por comando de voz com a Siri, isso é uma coisa linda de Deus. O Homebridge é um servidor escrito em NodeJS que você pode rodar na sua rede e simular a API Homekit do iOS. Ele **** é um projeto super modular e pode ser expandido com diversos módulos feitos pela comunidade, inclusive integrando com alguns dispositivos inteligentes que não se integram automaticamente ao **HomeKit**, como por exemplos as lampadas e tomadas da Belkin Wemo e Philips Hue....

February 4, 2017 · 7 min · ✍️

January 2

Automação de baixo custo com Raspberry Pi

Quer ter a casa automatizada mas não quer declarar falência no processo ? Eu sempre gostei de brincar com automação residencial, mas sempre optei pelo lado DIY (Faça você mesmo) por conta de boa parte das soluções de mercado serem bem caras. Pois bem meus amigos, existe uma forma bem bacana de iniciar nesse mundo com um valor um pouco mais baixo. Aqui teremos um tutorial curto em como fazer isso com um Raspberry Pi rodando o Home Assistant **** e alguns módulos de tomada com Radio Frequência (RF), tudo isso **sem precisar programar**....

January 29, 2017 · 6 min · ✍️

Iniciando com Home Assistant no Raspberry Pi

Sua casa conectada e de fazer inveja nos amiguinhos Uso como central de automação na minha casa o projeto Open Source chamado Home Assistant. Ele é um software muito interessante por ser de fácil configuração, visual muito bonito e com quase 500 componentes diferentes que podem ser integrados para fazer sua casa ser a mais inteligente possível. Meu intuito aqui é apresentar esse projeto e como instalar em um Raspberry Pi....

January 10, 2017 · 6 min · ✍️